Solve the unsolvable
Navigating the complexities of healthcare reimbursement, managed care needs, utilization management and revenue cycle with insurance companies can be daunting. The process is complicated, time-consuming, and always against the clock.
It’s a task that can feel impossible. Until HealthAgree steps in.
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Stop leaving money on the table.
Our expertise in negotiating contracts and resolving difficult claims is as wide-ranging as it is high-yielding. We work for providers to ensure the best possible outcomes with payers in the following areas.
“HealthAgree has allowed us to not only survive, but to thrive. Despite the changes in healthcare and the economy in recent times, the past few years have been our most successful financially as a practice. Working with HealthAgree has allowed us to recognize substantive improvements in reimbursement rates, and has also helped to clarify our process for deciding which payers with whom it makes sense to do business.”
Get unstuck and into agreement.
As both a buffer and messenger, we restore collapsed communication channels with candor and effective solutions. Bring us on board to break through with payers. We speak their language.
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What to do when you don’t know what to do
SNF and Post-Acute
What would it look like to have better payer contracts for each of your lines of business?
SUD and Mental Health
What would it look like to calibrate contracting efforts to your ASAM, business model, and budget?
DME & Life Science
What would it look like to go to market with a scalable managed care strategy?